Veterans Affairs

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Mountain Empire Community College programs are approved for enrollment of qualified veterans, survivors, dependents, and certain reservists.

  • New students or new applicants should contact the Veterans Affairs Officer, Lena Grace,to apply for benefits.

  • Continuing students (those receiving benefits the previous semester) should contact the Veterans Affairs Officer, Lena Grace to be re-certified each semester.

  • Returning students (those who previously received benefits but have not attended the College for a semester or more) should contact the Veterans Affairs Officer to restart benefits.

To apply for veterans’ benefits while attending MECC, visit the Veterans Affairs Officer, located in the Robb Hall, email or call 276-523-9028.






We’re pleased to announce CREDIT2CAREERS (C2C) – Virginia’s Community College System’s (VCCS) Academic and Career Portal

C2C is a personalized virtual counseling tool that will provide military-connected users to:

  • Explore academic degree programs offered by all 23 community colleges.
  • Instantly get an estimate of potential credits from your Military education, experience, and training.
  • Personalized exploration of civilian careers related to your military training and specialties; personal interests; or recommended by interest evaluations.
  • Receive real time employment information to assist military and veteran students in making informed post-secondary decisions.

MECC Student Veterans Association

MECC Student Veterans Association works to engage the administration, faculty, staff and local veterans in support services to improve the educational experience for all MECC student veterans and their families. Membership is open to all registered veterans, service members currently enrolled and faculty and staff of MECC that are veterans. Members that graduate will be granted alumni membership status. Student veterans will be greeted with friendship, support, and access to resources that will not only enhance their educational experience but will provide social and cultural awareness opportunities that will last a lifetime.

For more information, please contact the Student Veterans Association Sponsor.


  1. Click here to log in to MyMECC.

  2. Click on the SIS tile.

  3. Click on the Student Records eForms tile.

  4. On the left, click the tab for Military Benefit Certify eForm.

  5. Fill out the information on the form to the best of your knowledge and click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the page when finished. If there are any issues with your form, an error message will pop up when you click Submit. You must correct all errors before the form is complete.

    Note: If you would like to save your progress and come back later, you may click Save instead.


  • Service Members should speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their military service prior to enrolling at the college.

  • Apply for Tuition Assistance (TA) based on your military branch specific process.

  • The Cashier’s Office at MECC handles state and federal tuition assistance.  Once you have completed the paperwork, be sure to check with the Cashier’s Office to be sure they have received the contract from your unit.


 Application Procedure

Veterans, transferees, spouses, or dependents must first apply for Veterans Education Benefits at After submission of application, contact the MECC Veterans Affairs Officer in Robb Hall, Room 106.



Submit a copy of your DD Form 214 (Member 4); Have your military transcripts sent to MECC, Enrollment Services prior to enrollment for a review of courses that will satisfy the required courses. If you served in the Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Navy) request your Joint Services Transcript at If you served in the Air Force, request your military transcripts through the Air Force Transcript Portal at Display/Article/803247/community-college-of-the-air-force-transcripts.

As transcripts are submitted, transcripts will be reviewed, and credits will be applied to your program of choice. You will receive a notification informing you of all transfer credits applied your program.

If you have any questions regarding your qualifications for veterans benefits or to explore your options for maximum use, please call the Veterans Administration toll-free number at 1-888-442-4551 or visit the website

If you are transferring to MECC from another place of training, or you have not been enrolled for at least one year, a Request for Change of Program/Place of Training will be required.

To ensure smooth processing of VA claims, it is important to apply early. Applicants normally receive notification from the Department of Veterans Affairs within 30 days after an application is submitted. A copy of the Certificate of Eligibility must be submitted to Enrollment Services/Veterans Affairs.


Certificate of Understanding

All VA recipients are required to submit a signed MECC Certificate of Understanding (COU) prior to receiving any VA Education Benefits based on enrollment through MECC.


Enrollment Certification

VA recipients must be enrolled in an approved program of study. To receive full-time monthly stipends/BAH, the VA recipient must be enrolled full-time. Post-9/11 G.I. Bill recipients must be enrolled in at least 51% of a full course load to receive a monthly housing allowance. The College will certify enrollment as a full-time at 12 credits or above; three-quarter time at nine to eleven credit hours; half-time at six to eight credit hours; less than six hours for cost of tuition and fees only. Certifications listed above are based on continuous enrollment for the entire 15-week semester. Please contact the MECC Veterans Affairs Officer for certification information for short or special sessions.

Upon completion of enrollment, VA recipients are required to submit the Certification Request for VA Educational Benefits form to Enrollment Services/Veterans Affairs.

  1. Click here to log in to MyMECC.

  2. Click on the SIS tile.

  3. Click on the Student Records eForms tile.

  4. On the left, click the tab for Military Benefit Certify eForm.

  5. Fill out the information on the form to the best of your knowledge and click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the page when finished. If there are any issues with your form, an error message will pop up when you click Submit. You must correct all errors before the form is complete.

    Note: If you would like to save your progress and come back later, you may click Save instead.

It is important to enroll early and submit your documentation by the priority deadline. VA recipients will receive a certification email each semester indicating the rate of pursuit that has been certified. In addition, the first semester a recipient enrolls in a program/plan, a Shopping Sheet, and a copy of the program/plan from the College catalog will be included in the certification email.

VA recipients are required to notify Enrollment Services/Veterans Affairs immediately of any changes in enrollment that occur after benefits have been certified to the DVA.

All academic policies as included in this catalog apply equally to all students at Mountain Empire Community College. However, there are a few guidelines specifically applicable to the administration of veterans certified for benefits through the Veterans Administration.

  •  Veterans Affairs Officer will consult with VA recipients who fail to attend classes regularly.
  •  Veterans Affairs Officer will report to the Veterans Administration as soon as possible any change in the status of VA recipients, including change in curriculum, reduction or increase in course-load or withdrawals.
  • Veterans who fail to maintain good academic standing must be counseled by an Academic Advisor at the College prior to veteran’s benefits being reinstated.
  • Mountain Empire Community College grading policies will be used to determine whether VA recipients are maintaining satisfactory progress. According to College and the Veterans Administration policies, students must make satisfactory academic progress. If suspended or dismissed, students must appeal to the Student Affairs Committee and meet with Student Affairs Committee. Students who have been reinstated must achieve a 2.0 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement. At the conclusion of this semester, enrollment of successful students receiving veterans’ educational benefits will be certified.
  • The physical education requirements for the degree, certificate, and career studies certificate programs may be waived for veterans.




The Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) went into effect August 1, 2009.  The percentage of the following benefits you will receive is determined by the number of days you served on Active Duty (not including training) after September 10, 2001:

  • Payment of tuition directly to the school.
  • A book stipend of up to $1000 per academic year payable to the student.
  • A monthly housing allowance paid to the student. This payment is equal to the BAH of an E-5 with dependents in the same zip code as the school. Click here to view current rates.


Please note:  The housing allowance is not payable if you are enrolled only half-time or less. The law has been updated to allow a reduced payment if you are enrolled in exclusively distance learning courses.

In order to receive Ch 33 benefits, you must submit an application (Form 22-1990) to the Veterans Administration specifically electing this benefit.  If you are eligible for any other benefit, you will have to give up that benefit in order to receive Ch 33.  This election CANNOT be reversed.  Please research and discuss your options so you can make the correct decision for your circumstances.

In certain instances you may qualify to transfer all, or a portion, of your benefits under Ch 33 to your spouse or children.  For the most up-to-date information on the Post-9/11 GI Bill, please refer the Veterans Administration’s website at


 The Montgomery GI Bill® (Chapter 30) will provide you with a monthly educational allowance to help you pay for your education.  The monthly benefit amount depends on the number of credits you are taking each term, the length of each course, and the length of your enlistment.  During a standard 16-week semester, 12 or more credit hours is considered full-time for each full month of classes if you completed three or more years of active duty service.  If you are eligible for the College Fund, Top-up, or Kicker, you will receive additional monies. Click here to view current rates.



 Reservists and National Guard members may qualify for Chapter 1606 benefits as long as you are actively drilling with a unit. Click here to view current rates. Any kickers, etc. will be paid in addition to this base amount. If you have had Active Duty beyond training, you may have eligibility for more than one benefit. There are additional factors to consider if you plan to use Tuition Assistance at the same time. Please discuss your particular situation with your unit’s Education Officer and college’s Veteran Liaison.


Please note: The National Defense Authorization Act of 2016 ended Chapter 1607 (REAP) on November 25, 2015. As of November 25, 2019, the VA is no longer paying any benefits under this program. Where applicable, students collecting REAP were reviewed for eligibility under other education benefits programs offered by the VA and transitioned over.

If you have specific concerns related to your benefits, please contact the GI Bill education center at 1-888-442-4551.


Dependents (spouses and children) of veterans may be eligible for educational benefits as well.  The VA provides benefits to dependents of disabled/deceased veterans under the Dependent Educational Assistance (DEA) program (Chapter 35).  For children, you may receive this benefit from the age of 18 to 26.  There is no age limit for spouses, but the benefit is only available for 10 years after you are deemed eligible to receive it.  Click here to view current rates.

Virginia also provides benefits for certain dependents at public colleges within the state. You may collect both benefits simultaneously if eligible for both. As of July 1, 2019, there are now 2 tiers to the Virginia Military Spouses and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP). Tier 1 provides a full waiver of tuition at public colleges and universities in Virginia. Tier 2 provides the tuition waiver as well as an additional stipend. MECC makes this available to you for use in the bookstore during the financial aid charging period contingent on available funding. Please visit for more information and to apply.

Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 and the Colonel John M. McHugh Tuition Fairness Act of 2021, effective August 1, 2022, with amendments as required under 38 USC 3679:

The following individuals shall be charged the in-state rate, or otherwise considered a resident, for tuition purposes:

  •  A veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill® – Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill), of Title 38, United States Code, who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of their formal state of residence).
    Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits who lives in the state where the IHL is located, and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service serving on active duty.
  •  A spouse or child using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (35 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of their formal state of residence).
  •  A spouse or child using benefits under Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance (Chapter 35) living in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of their formal state of residence).
  •  An individual using educational assistance under chapter 31, Veterans Readiness and Employment (VR&E) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of their formal state of residence) effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after March 1, 2019.
  •  Anyone described above remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same institution. Therefore, the described person must be enrolled in the institution and use educational benefits under Chapters 30, 31, 33, or 35 of Title 38, United States Code.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

 A student’s military training, courses, and occupational specialty can all be considered for college credit. Military service credit in the occupational/technical areas (i.e., Engineering) may require approval by appropriate academic school dean prior to award.

In order to receive credit for your military training, a student must submit a military transcript prior to enrolling in classes.

NOTE: If only the DD214 is submitted, the student will receive one credit of HLT/PED. If you in enroll in a class and receive credit for that class, you may have to return VA benefits.

Each branch of the service has its own transcript request service. Depending on the branch in which you served, a transcript can be requested at the following locations:

Military Branch Transcript Request

Air Force

CCAF/DFRSSimler Hall STE 128130 West Maxwell BlvdMaxwell AFB AL 36112-6613

Army, Coast Guard. Navy or Marine

Visit the Joint Service Transcript (JST) website at:

For JST Technical IssuesNETPDTCATTN: JST Operations Center N6156490 Saufley Field RoadPensacola, FL 32509Email:

Army, Coast Guard, Navy or Marine

Complete release form if you authorize MECC to obtain a copy of your JST Transcript


PLEASE NOTE: Transcript may take up to two weeks to evaluate during peak registration.


The President’s recent Executive Order to protect student veterans from predatory colleges and universities includes a requirement for schools to require “Know Before You Owe” documentation, even if the student veteran does not apply for federal student aid.

The program’s Financial Aid Comparison Shopper has more than 7,500 schools and institutions in its database, including vocational schools and community, state, and private colleges. It draws information from publicly available data provided by government statistical agencies. With this site, students and their families can compare the following across multiple financial aid offers:


  • Estimated monthly student loan payment after graduation.
  • Grant and scholarship offers.
  • School-specific metrics such as graduation, retention, and federal student loan default rates.
  • Estimated debt level at graduation in relationship to the average starting salary.

The Financial Aid Comparison Shopper also includes a “Military Benefit Calculator” that can estimate education benefits for Service members, veterans, and their families. The calculator includes military tuition assistance and Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.

The goal is to give students and their families an easy-to-understand view of how their decisions today impact their debt burden after graduation. Equally important, though, is that users can use the tool effectively to adjust the loan amounts, savings, scholarship offers, and more, in order to reflect their individual financial situations.


 Financial Aid Comparison Shopper



Other DOD Resources

  • The College Scorecard: a planning tool and resource to assist prospective students and their families as they evaluate options in selecting a school
  • The College Navigator: a consumer tool that provides school information to include tuition and fees, retention and graduation rates, use of financial aid, student loan default rates and features a cost calculator and school comparison tool.
  • The Financial Aid Shopping Shet: a model aid award letter designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school.
  • The ‘Paying for College’ webpage: can be used by prospective students to enter the names of up to three schools and receive detailed financial information on each one and to enter actual financial aid award information.


GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at


All new VA students (including dependents) must apply to activate their benefits online at Click on the “Apply for education benefits” link under Education. On the next page, click on “Select Correct Form” and answer the questions. Continue until you receive a confirmation number. The VA may request additional information, such as your DD-214, in order to process your application.

Once you have been admitted to MECC, talk to an advisor and select a program of study. Request transcripts from all previous educational and military training and have them evaluated for possible credit toward your program prior to enrolling in classes.


 Upon completion of enrollment, VA Recipients are required to submit the Certification Request for VA Educational Benefits form (instructions below) to your VA certifying official (VACO) each term you enroll. Your VACO will then certify your enrollment with the VA Regional Processing Center in Buffalo, NY.
  1. Click here to log in to MyMECC.

  2. Click on the SIS tile.

  3. Click on the Student Records eForms tile.

  4. On the left, click the tab for Military Benefit Certify eForm.

  5. Fill out the information on the form to the best of your knowledge and click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the page when finished. If there are any issues with your form, an error message will pop up when you click Submit. You must correct all errors before the form is complete.

    Note: If you would like to save your progress and come back later, you may click Save instead.

Priority deadline for Summer is April 20th, Fall is July 1st & Spring is December 1st :  After this date, you should expect your Ch. 33 book stipend to arrive after classes have begun.

New applicants may take longer to receive benefits from the date your application for benefits and your certification of enrollment were processed by the college to receive your first check. You will be paid retroactively from the first day of class. Once you receive your first check, subsequent checks should arrive near the end of each month if you remain continuously enrolled.

Students may inquire about the status of a pending claim by calling the VA national call center at 1-888-442-4551 Monday through Friday, during the hours 10-6 Eastern.


 Under all VA programs other than Ch 33, Ch 35 and Voc Rehab, the student is responsible for all up-front costs. This means your tuition must be paid by the payment due date. You may be eligible to receive financial aid to cover these costs. Submit an application at to see if you qualify.

You have the option to request an Advance Payment of your GI Bill. Please see your VACO after you have registered for classes, but no later than 31 days before the start of the term. If approved, your first payment will be mailed to the college, in your name, and you will have to sign to pick up that check.  This may help alleviate some of the initial expense, but you should be aware that you will not receive any additional payments until you have completed 3 months of schooling.


 You may take as many or as few courses as you feel you can comfortably manage.  Your monthly payment will be determined by the number of credit hours in which you are enrolled, and the length of your courses.

For instance, if you are a full-time student taking 12 or more credits, you will receive full-time benefits for each month that you continue attending full-time.  If you are a part-time student taking less than 12 semester hours, your monthly benefit check will be reduced by 1/4 or 1/2 as appropriate.  Accelerated courses (e.g. 8-week classes) sometimes are paid at a higher rate based on a different method of measurement used to calculate training time.

You must be enrolled at least half-time to receive a monthly payment from the VA.  If you are enrolled for less than half-time, or if you are on active duty, you will receive a lump sum payment of the tuition cost, or the amount on your monthly benefit, whichever is less.

Please note: Students receiving Ch. 33 benefits must be training at a rate of at least 51% (generally 7 credits) to receive any BAH.


You must submit a Certification Request of VA Educational Benefits Form each time you register for classes.
  1. Click here to log in to MyMECC.

  2. Click on the SIS tile.

  3. Click on the Student Records eForms tile.

  4. On the left, click the tab for Military Benefit Certify eForm.

  5. Fill out the information on the form to the best of your knowledge and click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the page when finished. If there are any issues with your form, an error message will pop up when you click Submit. You must correct all errors before the form is complete.

    Note: If you would like to save your progress and come back later, you may click Save instead.


Then, the VACO will review your program of study and confirm that the courses you are taking are required in that program. Certification of Enrollment will then be sent to the Regional Processing Office in Buffalo, NY.

If you completed at least 20 months of a two-year enlistment, or 30 months of a three-year enlistment, you are typically entitled to 36 months of full-time educational benefits. Your training time will be deducted from your 36 months as it is used. For example, if you are taking 6 credits, which qualifies you as a half-time student, the VA will deduct 1/2 of a month of entitlement for each month you are in school. In this example, you could continue going to school half-time for a total of 72 months. If you increase your training time, your monthly pay will increase, and your 36 months of eligibility will be depleted faster.

If you are eligible for more than one educational benefit, it may be possible to receive benefits for up to 48 months. Please discuss your situation with the VACO at your school.

You have 10 years from the day you were separated from active duty to use your benefits. Under Ch 33, this time period has been extended to 15 years. The new Forever GI Bill® recently signed into law may remove the 15-year time limit for veterans who exited service in 2013 or later. For the most up-to-date info regarding this change, please refer to

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at


The purpose of this policy is to define prohibited student recruitment practices.

In accordance with 38 US Code 3696, Mountain Empire Community College does not provide commissions, bonuses or any other form of incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollments or financial aid (including tuition assistance funds) to any persons or entities engaged in student recruitment, admissions activities or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.

Mountain Empire Community College also refrains from high-pressure recruitment tactics, such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, during any 1-month period.  Contact from Mountain Empire Community College will be made in response to a student-initiated inquiry, application or other form of request.  Mountain Empire Community College also refrains from same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing service member enrollments.  Mountain Empire Community College’s open-access mission may allow prospective applicants with a desire to do so to apply and register quickly when the applicant’s desired term is open for enrollment, but Mountain Empire Community College’s rolling admission puts the applicant in control of the timeframe in which they choose to register for courses.

MECC’s Veterans Affairs Officer, Lena Grace  coordinates all veterans’ educational benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for the College.

The office is located on the MECC campus on the first floor of Robb Hall, Room 106. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and can be reached by phone at 276-523-9028 or by email at

The VA requires all students to be enrolled in an official curriculum leading to a certificate or degree in order to receive benefits. You must contact your VA certifying official each semester to complete the necessary forms to establish and maintain your eligibility for benefits.

This institution is approved by the Virginia State Approving Agency to offer GI Bill® Benefits.


  • Register only for courses that are required for completion of your selected degree/certificate program.

  • Submit the Certification Request for VA Educational Benefits form  to your VA certifying official each term you enroll.


  1. Click here to log in to MyMECC.

  2. Click on the SIS tile.

  3. Click on the Student Records eForms tile.

  4. On the left, click the tab for Military Benefit Certify eForm.

  5. Fill out the information on the form to the best of your knowledge and click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the page when finished. If there are any issues with your form, an error message will pop up when you click Submit. You must correct all errors before the form is complete.

    Note: If you would like to save your progress and come back later, you may click Save instead.

Priority deadline for Summer is April 20th, Fall is July 1st & Spring is December 1st:  After this date, you should expect your Ch. 33 book stipend to arrive after classes have begun. In addition, due to changes the VA is making to the certification process, there is an increased chance of payment delays for all benefits. Please plan accordingly.

  • Notify your VA certifying official of any changes in your schedule, degree program and /or address.

  • Make satisfactory academic progress toward your chosen degree program.

What happens if I withdraw from a course? What if I fail a course? 

If you withdraw from a course the DVA may require you to repay the money for this course retroactive to the first day of class unless you withdrew due to reasons beyond your control. If the DVA accepts your reason for withdrawing as being beyond your control you will be paid through the last day of attendance. If this is the first instance that you withdrew, the DVA may consider that mitigating circumstances exist without explanation from you for withdrawing from a course or courses totaling not more than 6 semester hours.

 Note: You must report any changes in your class schedule to your VA certifying official in order to avoid overpayment of your educational benefits. If you DO NOT drop/withdraw and receive an F from a class, the last date you submitted course work will be submitted to the DVA. In accordance with new guidelines set forth in the updated DoD Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding Tuition Assistance (TA), effective September 5, 2014, if you withdraw from any course that has been paid for with TA, MECC is required to return any unearned portion of the TA to the DoD. The college will determine the amount of TA that is earned based on the number of days you remained enrolled in each course, and return any monies above that amount. This will result in a debt to the college that you will be responsible for paying before you will be able to receive any additional services from the school. Keep in mind that this debt will be in addition to the debt you will have with the DoD for the same course.

If you fail a course and the course is required for graduation, the VA will pay you to repeat it. They will not recover the money that they already paid you for the course you failed provided you maintained satisfactory academic progress as measured by your cumulative grade point average and the number of credits that you have attempted. If your progress becomes unsatisfactory, your benefits will be suspended until you regain satisfactory progress for your degree program.

Can I enroll in any courses that I want?

Once you select a degree program and are placed into that program, you will be guided in your course selection by the requirements for graduation for that specific degree in the college catalog. It is important that you have your prior credits evaluated early so that you do not register for a course that you have already completed. The DVA will not pay for a course for which you have already received benefits. They will also not pay for a course that cannot be used in your degree program. You can enroll in any additional classes you choose; however, those courses will not count toward your enrollment status/pay rate.


Can I change my degree program?

Yes. The DVA allows you to make a change of curriculum. You will need to select a new program of study, have all your previous credits evaluated and complete a VA Form 22-1995 (Request for Change of Program or Place of Training). Dependents must complete a Form 22-5495 if they change programs.


How do I use Tuition Assistance? 

  • Service Members should speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their military service prior to enrolling at the college.

  • Apply for Tuition Assistance (TA) based on your military branch specific process.

  • The Cashier’s Office at MECC handles state and federal tuition assistance.  Once you have completed the paperwork, be sure to check with the Cashier’s Office to be sure they have received the contract from your unit.


How do I report tuition and fees for my TA approval?

 TA will only pay the tuition portion of your charges. All fees are the student’s responsibility. For the Fall 2023 semester, tuition should be reported as $158.61 per credit (in-state) or $335.61 (out-of-state). Fees should be reported as $3.50 per credit (in-state) or $27 per credit (out-of-state). Depending on your TA application/branch of service, you may have to manually calculate these amounts on the application. Please contact the Military Student Center with any questions or to request required documentation of your charges.


Full Breakdown of Tuition Rate & Fees Per Credit Hour


In-State Tuition

Tuition Rate

Activity Fee

Auxiliary Fee








Out-of-State Business Contract Tuition*

Tuition Rate

Activity Fee

Auxiliary Fee

Capital Fee










Out-of-State Tuition (Excluding E-Rate)*

Tuition Rate

Activity Fee

Auxiliary Fee

Capital Fee










Out-of-State Tuition E-Rate**

Tuition Rate

Activity Fee

Auxiliary Fee

Capital Fee









* Out-of-State Business Contract Rate and Out-of-State students must pay a Capital Fee of $26.00 per credit in addition to Activity Fee ($100/credit) and Auxiliary Fee ($2.50/credit)


**Out-of-State E-Rate classes include the Capital Fee ($26.00/credit) but do not include the Activity Fee ($1.00/credit) and Auxiliary Fee ($2.50/credit).

 Can I get both TA and the GI Bill?

Yes. You can collect state TA and still receive your GI Bill. However, you cannot receive both federal TA and the Reserve GI Bills for the same class. If you are eligible for Ch 33 benefits, you can receive those benefits along with federal TA. Contact your unit’s education officer for information on what will be the best benefit for you.


Can I receive financial aid at the same time?


Yes. We strongly encourage all students to apply for financial aid, even when receiving veterans’ benefits. If you qualify, you can receive both. It’s not “double dipping.”

Note: Because of certain laws regarding the programs, Post-9/11 GI Bill recipients and students attending under VR&E may not qualify for state grants to attend MECC. You can, however, receive federal grants (Pell) and loans.


I’ve heard I can get free tuition since my parent/spouse is deceased/disabled. How do I do that?

The VMSDEP program, to qualify the student’s parent or spouse must be rated at least 90% disabled due to military service. Additional requirements, such as Virginia residency, may apply. For more information, and to submit an on-line application, please go to


What benefits do I get under VMSDEP?

Tier 1 of VMSDEP provides a waiver of tuition at a Virginia public college.

Tier 2 of VMSDEP provides a waiver of tuition at a Virginia public college AND an additional stipend (contingent on funding).


I get VR&E, What do I have to do?

You still need to complete the Certification Request for VA Educational Benefits each semester. Your VR&E counselor will send an authorization form to the VA certifying official for your tuition and books. The certifying official will then verify you are in the correct classes, complete the paperwork, and return it to your VR&E counselor.


How do I get my books and supplies under VR&E?

The VA certifying official will send a copy of the completed paperwork to the bookstore, and they will set up your charge account for those items. You will simply need to tell them you have VA money and they will allow you to purchase what you need.